On October 8, Wang Wentao, China’s Minister of Commerce, spoke with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo in a phone call that aimed to further discussions on crucial trade and economic issues between the two countries. The conversation, as reported by the Ministry of Commerce’s website, focused on the implementation of key agreements made during the recent summit between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco. This call reflects the ongoing communication framework established between their respective commerce departments.

Minister Wang emphasized that the landmark meeting between the two leaders last November set a clear direction for the future of China-U.S. trade relations. He mentioned that both nations’ commerce ministries have been in regular contact at various levels—ministerial, vice-ministerial, and departmental—leading to encouraging advancements in areas such as enhancing cooperation, addressing differences, and tackling specific business-related concerns. Wang asserted that the economic relationship between China and the U.S. should act as a stabilizing force in their broader bilateral relations. He expressed China’s willingness to collaborate with the U.S. to effectively implement the agreements reached during the summit, emphasizing a foundation of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation to get the trade relationship back on track.

During the discussion, Wang aired significant concerns regarding U.S. semiconductor policies toward China and the restrictions placed on Chinese connected vehicles. He highlighted the urgent need to define the limits of national security within the realms of trade and economics. Wang argued that such clarity would help maintain stability in global industrial and supply chains while fostering a conducive policy environment for collaboration between the two countries’ industries. He urged the U.S. to seriously consider the specific challenges faced by Chinese companies, promptly lift sanctions against them, and improve the business climate for Chinese enterprises operating in the U.S.

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